Friday, February 03, 2012

Indian Giver

So when we started the adoption process I told my mom someone should make a reality show about adoption so people that haven't gone through it could get just a glimpse of what is involved. There have been many moments over the past 9 months that I've thought back to that comment and thought "NOPE if people were experiencing every minute of this with us then no one would ever want to adopt and there are too many kids that need loving homes." Today is probably the worst day of this process so far but God knew it was coming and he sent an 'angel wearing flannel' to encourage and comfort me yesterday for the coming "storm." :)

I was having lunch with Dustin and the girls at Chick-Fil-A yesterday when I noticed a very elderly women walking in the parking lot towards the restaurant. I thought "Awe, sweet lady" to myself as I always do when I see older people. I'm not sure why but in my mind I think most elderly are probably lonely and sad...and that's probably not the case most of the time. I guess I just think that if I lose Dust and have seen my life pass me by I'll be sad and lonely...I don't know. Anyway, I didn't really pay any more attention to the lady as she left my field a vision. A little later I was looking around through the chaos of the kids area in Chick-Fil-A and noticed she was sitting directly behind me, just gazing out the window. Because I refuse to eat alone I think everyone else must want company too :) so I struck up a conversation with her. "It's a beautiful day today!" She perked up and smiled and said "Yes. It's like summer. If I'd known I wouldn't have worn this flannel shirt!" Without me saying another word she went on to tell me she was 84 years old and she has a 4 year old grandson. "That's right." she said. "He's my grandson...not great grandson. You see he was adopted from Guatemala." She told me the whole story of his adoption and how there were many uncertain times during the process because the country was beginning to shut down while her daughter was in the middle of the process. And then she said "But you know what? GOD IS GOOD AND HE IS IN CONTROL!" I sat in disbelief as she told her story. I was only half listening because in my head I was talking to myself. "WHO IS THIS LADY? Am I in the presence of God? Is this an angel? What do I do? Do I cry? Do I interrupt and tell her about our adoption and the scary uncertain news we received just the day before? She probably already knows...she was obviously sent to encourage me. Do I fall at her feet? Would everyone think I'm crazy?" I was paralyzed in unbelief. I did nothing at first. Then I shared with her about our adoption of Levi and how we'd been told the day before that things in Russia are getting tense. There is a lot of political tension in that country right now and adoption is a target of one of the new leaders about to win the upcoming election. I told her we have a court date but we were nervous because nothing is certain right now with all of the political pressure and turmoil. She said "well, I'll be praying for little Levi and you just remember God is in control. No need to worry!" And with that she gathered her things and said "Well, have a good day." 

It was a bizarre and sweet encounter to say the least but I knew it was a gift from God. I immediately told my mom and my sweet friend Amy about "the angel in flannel" God sent to me at Chick-Fil-A. She had soft white hair, wrinkles, a sweet smile and the most precious child-like voice.  I had not told her a single thing about me or my life but she brought the message I needed. She encouraged and comforted me with just a simple story and most importantly she reminded me "God is good and He is in control." And I believe God sent her at just the right time. He knew at that point I was already having to constantly give my worry over our upcoming court date and the overall outcome of the adoption to Him AND HE KNEW ABOUT THE NEWS WE'D RECEIVE TODAY...

Today our court date has been canceled. No one likes an "Indian giver" and personally I think this is the most cruel birthday gift someone could ever take from me! :) No adoption decree's will be issued until after the courts resume(March 12th) after the election is over on March 4th. This is scary on so many levels. This is so much deeper than our adoption, our judge, our case. This encompasses levels of government leadership, power struggles and ideologies that will effect millions of people. Even with the enormity of this challenge staring us down there is that sweet soft, child-like voice from yesterday saying "But you know what? GOD IS GOOD AND HE IS IN CONTROL!"  

Several sweet friends have asked me if "I'm okay?" The truth is no I'm not okay :) BUT I trust that God is good, He is sovereign, He is faithful to us and He loves me, my family and my Levi more than I can ever imagine. We are hopeful we will get another court date sometime the end of March. We are begging God to let us complete this process and bring our son home! Please pray with us...

1 comment:

  1. We never know when, or how God is going to answer our prayers. We do know he is in control and will not let us down. Levi is in our prayers and he is a member of our family... I can't wait...We will continue to pray for God to bless your family...
