Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful in St. Petersburg

So Thanksgiving 2011 was not our typical family gathering and meal but is one we'll definitely always remember. We spent time at the orphanage, ate a late lunch/early dinner at a fabulous Indian restraurant, took a nap and then got to talk to the most beautiful girls in the world via Skype. It was different but good...we missed family and the wonderful food but I asked Dustin if he even remembered what we did last year for Thanksgiving. He smiled and said "Usually it's just a blur because we are running from one house to another." Many times we need a change from 'the norm' to really appreciate just how great what we have is! I think this was a nice change this year, especially because we did get to visit with our special little guy...and we officially gave him his name!

In honor of our Thanksgiving in St. Petersburg I've decided to do a list of what I'm thankful for THIS WEEK...I'm always thankful for my Savior, my family, health, and the many other blessings surrounding me. This is a list of things I'm thankful for but it took me being half a world away to realize it :)

1) A name...FINALLY! We have been going back and forth over this sweet boy's name for months but on Thanksgiving day it was time to put it on paper for his new birth certificate and at the very last minute we agreed on his full name, LEVI JAMES POLK. James is a family name passed down to Dustin from his grandfather and Levi means "joined in harmony." And that's exactly what is happening...he acts like we have always been his parents. We are so ready for the honor!
2) Fellow believers around the world. Being in a strange country where everyone is talking in a language you can not understand there is a great comfort when you enter an elevator with a solemn looking man who begins to stare at the Bible you are holding and after a minute reaches for the chain around his neck, revealing a cross and then smiles and says "Christo!"....and a bunch of other stuff I totally didn't understand but know He was excited about Christ:) Such a sweet encounter!
3) Fur. I never saw fur beyond a fashion statement until coming to St. Petersburg but wow, the cold wind and dreary, icy rain will cut to the bone quick if you aren't dressed just right. I'm so thankful for my fur lined boots, hat, and gloves...and thankful this trend is popular in Birmingham so I could find the right attire for the trip. Who knew it was cute AND practical in some parts of the world :)
4) Cinnamon. It wasn't until this trip that I realized how much I like cinnamon in my coffee. All of my favorite Starbuck's drinks and creamer flavors have cinnamon in them. I ordered a cappuccino from our hotel cafe and it was surprisingly good. I didn't expect it to be because they used just milk and espresso but then topped it with cinnamon, I added some sugar and it was just like my "Christmas in a cup" from Starbucks :) When it comes to coffee in my world, cinnamon = perfection! 
5) Window's that open. It may be frigid outside but inside it's about 80 degrees...not an exaggeration! And that is in every building we enter, including our hotel room. So crazy enough it is below freezing temps and we have our window open! But it occurred to me yesterday, I don't open my windows up enough at home. I think that is going to change :) Even though it's cold, the fresh air is nice!
6) Russia is on Polk time. :) We've heard some people say one frustrating part of being "in country" is no one is on time or in a hurry to do anything. Well, it's funny because it seems here we are always right on time and the pace is very comfortable to us. But then again, in the States we are ALWAYS late and running behind. It's been nice not to feel rushed or be late to any of our appointments. So maybe Russia just runs on "Polk" time...or vice versa :)
7) A heated floor...I've heard of these but I've never experienced one! WOW, it makes getting up early in the mornings, exhausted from jet lag so much better. Just the bathroom tile is heated so when we come in from the cold I'll go sit in the bathroom on the warm tile. Another quirky memory I'll probably never forget from St. Petersburg :) 
8) An agency we can trust. We have been very pleased with our agency up to this point but we had no idea just how wonderful they actually are until we got here. The staff in Russia may be even sweeter and more organized than the ladies in the US...something I didn't think was possible! Again, I'm very limited by what I can share in this area so I'll just say it's no coincidence God led us to them and I hope to continue our relationship for a long time to help them find families for the many children in need.
9) Special people caring for my children...this is two parts: family and total strangers. First having my mom watch our girls while we are 10 time zones away has given me a peace that I'm so grateful for. Dustin's parents have also helped. Having that comfort of knowing they are being better cared for (or should I say more spoiled:)) with Motty and Maw maw than they are with me makes this experience so much more enjoyable. I always thank God for our family, but this week I think I've prayed more and thanked God more for them than I have in a long time...I have a renewed appreciation. The other people in this category are total strangers. We do not speak the same language and will never have a relationship but I will be forever grateful for the wonderful caregivers, doctor and social worker at orphanage #??.  When I think Russian orphanage I think sad, scary, and cold. This facility and these ladies are anything but that. They are like precious grandmother's loving and caring for their babies. This is not just their job, it is their heart. They have cared so well for our son and have brought him through his first year of life as a healthy, happy, beautiful baby boy when ALL odds were against him at birth. These precious ladies will always be in my heart and in my prayers.
And lastly...
10) Conviction and our case, for orphans. I was recently asked again what made us want to adopt. Sometimes in the craziness of this process I forget how it all started...with a passion God laid on hearts many years ago to care for the orphan and a conviction the beginning of this year to do something about it!

Our adoption coordinator shared yesterday that the most wonderful part of her job is getting to interact with the children in the orphanage. She sees them frequently and they get to know her pretty well. But the hardest part of her job is they also know when she is there it's because she is finding a home for ONE of them. She said she cries every time one of the children looks up at her and asks "Have you found me a mommy and daddy?" And most of the time she must respond, "no, not yet..." 

If you've ever considered adopting or just had the thought cross your mind that maybe you would want to open your heart and home to an orphaned child, please cover it in prayer and seriously consider that may have been the Holy Spirit moving in you and not just a fleeting thought. We are told to care for the fatherless, not asked. It isn't something we are called to do, it is something we are commanded to do. Whether it be your own adoption, supporting someone else adopting or giving to and volunteering in orphan care ministry both domestically and internationally.  Please don't let anything stand in the way of caring for these precious children. We never thought we could afford it and we weren't looking forward to the crazy process we'd have to go through...and to be honest none of that has changed. But somehow, here we are! We've never heard of a couple that said they had the money to adopt, but we've also never heard of anyone that wasn't able to bring a child home because of a lack of funds. God will bless adoption...He will provide the way. Just step out in faith and obedience. 

James 1:27

Pure & genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans & widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

So thankful from the bottom of my heart....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

these are the days of our lives...

Today is the day... not "the" day... but the day we travel to Russia. There has been a lot that had to happen before this day could come. GOD amazes me every step of this radical walk. There are days I think He must be the biggest 'jokester' because of the hoops we've had to jump through. Some days I wonder if Satan asked if he could "play" and GOD said 'go ahead and have your fun but it won't stop them from marching on.' Then there are days I wondered if we were crazy and if this was really something we are suppose to be doing. :) But ultimately I remember no one and nothing can stop the will of God. His will for us is to glorify and serve Him. His will for us is to share His love and message with the world we've been assigned. About 2000 years ago he used a baby boy to accomplish that. And TODAY, he is using another baby boy to keep HIS message going.  I am humbled to be getting on a plane today...a step closer to meeting one of God's most precious gifts.... OH GLORIOUS DAY!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

...but don't tell anyone!

Do you remember the agony of being told something when you were younger and then being told..."But you can't tell anyone!" When I was about 5 my mom bought my dad a new fishing rod as a gift and made the mistake of telling me about it. Needless to say it didn't stay a surprise...if you've known me for more than a minute you know staying quiet is not my strength but yet I'm in a situation now where sharing "the news" can negatively affect something very important to our family! Imagine the struggle my big mouth has had over the past 6 months!!! Isn't it funny how God frequently puts us exactly where are our weaknesses must be made strong? I can't tell you how many un-posted entries there are on this blog. I was given the great advice early in this process to journal along the way so even though I can't publicly share everything now, I'll have all of the details of this incredible journey in print to one day share with anyone willing to listen :) But today I'm happy to be able to report...we will be spending Thanksgiving in Russia with our sweet baby boy!

We leave this coming weekend and we'll be there a little over a week. This will be our first trip. We will have to go back two more times before we get to bring him home. I dare not give an estimate of when that will be...just pray instead for travel mercies, protection over our ENTIRE family and provision to complete the adoption. 

The last few days have been pretty crazy around our house...who am I kidding? The last few MONTHS have been crazy around our house! But yesterday the verse from John 16:33 came into my head. "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." As I read it I thought..."Oh no Lord, what are you preparing me for now." The day went on pretty normal. I found my typical adoption related obstacles and frustrations and then got a call from the girls school letting me know Carsyn was really sick (tummy/fever virus)...which I should have totally expected given all that we have going on this week. Nothing overwhelming just regular "stuff" to distract my attention from the all of the good we have to be thankful for. The day ended with a visit to the Secretary of State's office in Montgomery to have even more documents apostilled before this trip. As I walked in I saw that the office I normally go to was dark...or course, my immediate reaction was "no they can not be closed after I drove all this way." And if you're familiar with the journey we've been on through this adoption you would understand that yes, in fact, that would be very typical of the experiences we've had :) But no, they were open. Just the lady (let's call her Ms. J) that normally helps me was out. As another sweet lady helped me I asked about Ms. J...I was looking forward to seeing her. She has been an encouragement to me every time I've visited for an apostille. I learned that she was out because her mother had passed away very unexpectedly. After a few minutes of hearing the details of what happened and the grief Ms. J is experiencing John 16:33 popped into my head again. I asked the lady to please share this verse with her the next time they speak but she was so encouraged she immediately put it in an email and sent it on.  As I was leaving I thought about how awesome it is that God puts people in our path to uplift us. He has used Ms. J to encourage me and ease some adoption related frustrations in the past. I had no idea why that scripture was laid on my heart until I heard about my sweet sister in Christ that is in such pain and needed the encouragement..."take heart! HE has overcome the world."

Driving home something the lady told me about Ms. J kept re-playing in my head..."She is so disappointed because it just didn't go like they expected." How many of my expectations haven't been met since this adoption began? Since we received our referral? Since we received our travel date? Since yesterday? :) Am I adding to my own grief everyday because I set expectations for the way things "should" work out instead of just seeking the ONE who has overcome the world? John 16:33 was for me :) The 'trouble' we will experience isn't always life changing like the death of a loved's recording a password incorrectly causing yourself hours more of work. It's not being able to find enough crisp new bills after visiting 10 different banks. It's having a holiday that shuts down many of the offices you need important documents from in an urgent manner. :) Trouble isn't just tragedy, it's the daily frustrations of life that distract us from our peace and joy in Christ. 

So friends...let me tell you what is "troubling" me so you can specifically pray for us: :)
-being apart from our children (both in Russia and in the US)
-the "stuff" that must be done before we travel
-a sick little girl and fear that she'll share her germs with the rest of us
-my back "issues" (yes it is still bothering me!) 
-raising the additional $5000 we need to cover our adoption expenses

Your prayer support means more to us than you know. If you'd like to also support us financially, I've added a page on the left of this that gives details on how you can make a tax-deductible donation. Also, the fundraiser we are doing on is coming to a close on November 25th. If you'd like to give by voting for your favorite school or passing on our site to your fellow Auburn or Alabama fans, we'd be so appreciative. (BTW, there is a new update on the website about an extra incentive to donate... go check it out!!!) We have felt so loved and encouraged through this process and as this walk is coming to an end, all I can say is THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and KEEP PRAYING!!! :)