Iron Bowl Adoption Fundraiser

The Polk Family* June 2011* GO STATE!
We have kicked off our first fundraiser. Dustin has developed a website for a little healthy “in state rivalry”. As you already know we are Mississippi State fans. We have been told many times we were suppose to chose an “Iron Bowl” team when we crossed the state lines but we never have...until now. Please go to and donate to this fundraiser. We aren't asking for big donations, although they'd be grealty appreciated. :) But we're hoping for small gifts from A LOT of people. The more people that hear our story, the more Christ will be glorified through our adoption!  We are hoping this will be a fun way to raise some money and further spread the story of the “impossible” adoption journey we are “walking” with a God that makes ALL things possible. Please also pass it on to anyone you think would want to help. If you'd like more information email us at and we can get it to you.  We can't thank you enough for your prayers and support. We are completely blessed by you!