Wednesday, April 06, 2011

the widow & a dollar fifty-five

Our first "donation" to help us
"bring Carsyn's brother home." :)
For so many of us the phrase "childlike faith" has become just a cliche. It's kind of sad really because the bible is filled with examples of children being used to teach us something.(some examples: Matthew 18:5,18:10, 19:14, Mark 10:16) This story is no different. A few weeks ago I went "home" to Mississippi for the girls spring break. While there I was visiting with some very dear friends of ours. We had a great night of conversation and I got to try my first Rueben ever:) Who knew sauerkraut and corned beef was good alone, much less eaten together on some strange bread? But it was delicious! Anyway, much of the night was spent discussing and brainstorming fundraising ideas for our adoption. These sweet friends are some of our biggest supporters and "cheerleaders". They are truely "kindred spirits" as God has placed a HUGE call on their lives as well. We've gotten to walk along side the Weaver's as they created a ministry equipping and enabling believers in Cuba. They have been able to share with us the first hand feeling of seeing an "impossible task" totally come to life because of God's faithfulness. Standing in their kitchen that night I spoke very openly about our fear of coming up with so much money (at this time we were thinking it was ONLY going to cost $45,000). During our conversation I noticed their 8 year old daughter come in and whisper something to her mother. She then ran off. A few minutes later, sweet Ella reappeared with an envelope from her with my name on it. Inside, was $1.55. Everything she had she gave to us with "childlike faith"...and that's no cliche! (Matthew 18:4  "Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.")  In that moment, I knew what God was communicating to me. This precious litlle girl saw a need, found a way to meet it and without question, she acted. That's the faith of a child...

Sweet friends...although it's hard to believe
they are the same age:) Carsyn is so tall!
There are two groups of people God clearly demostrates His favor for in scripture...the orphans (children) and the widows. (Exodus 22:22-23, Deuteronomy 27:19, Psalm 68:5, James 1:27) I don't think it is any coincidence that he has used both to "enlighten" me over the past few weeks. Today was Carsyn's preschool fieldtrip to the Zoo. Other than the fact that we were 30 minutes late....if you know us well, you're aware of "polktime" :) We are consistently 10 minutes late to everything. So even on "polktime" we were running behind this morning. And speaking of, how on earth will I ever be on time with 4 children if I can't even do it with 2? :) was a perfect day! The weather was gorgeous and I got to spend some fun time with just my girls because we weren't there for the group meeting to know what we were suppose to be doing:). At the lion exhibit we ran into one of Carsyn's friends from school. She is a precious little hispanic girl who at the beginning of the year couldn't speak English and now, just 8 months later, can rival Carsyn with who talks the most! Her mother invited us to walk with them, as they had also missed the group. It was nice getting to know their family. I wish I was better about reaching beyond my small circle of family and friends and investing in other's lives. It's something I'm working on:) We were at the kangeroo play area when Sara Kate began to have a meltdown because of some mud she stepped in. At the same time, Carsyn was about to SIT in the "river" where you can pan for "gold" causing a little scene. I heard that voice in my head say, "How are you going to handle four? What a daunting "task" this will be?" I looked at my new "friend" making sure she wasn't embarrassed by the scene and jokingly said..."Can you believe we are adopting more? Am I crazy?" She answered, "No you are so blessed. I wish I could have more children." We were interupted at that moment...I think by Sara Kate's insistency on being cleaned up:) But I revisited the conversation on the way to get ice cream. I asked this sweet mother, "Is she your only child?" She shook her head yes and then continued, "My husband was killed 3 years ago. You see that's why I can't have more. I wish I was in your situation." Maybe for the first time ever, I was speechless. It's so easy to concentrate on the challenges we face instead of the incredible blessing God has enrusted with us. We continued walking but I privately talked to God...thanking Him for reminding me through this precious widow that adopting these babies is a blessing, not a "task". This is a gift from Him, not a burden we've been called to bear...

I asked the girls to share an ice cream at the zoo....Sara Kate definitely got the bad end of this deal!

My silly Sara Kate!


  1. Me too. You are truly blessed! It also made me smile and laugh...knowing the girls and all....

  2. I didn't know they had angels at the zoo.........but my goodness I just saw two of Love those girls :)
